Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

The Royal Conspiracy and the Amber Room

or how the families are connected. Is it possible that these family connections influencing the situation of the missing masterpiece of art ? The missing Amber Room ? Is there a royal conspiracy arround the Amber Room ?

Is it true that Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor, better known as Prince Charles of Wales, and Lady Diana Frances Spencer, better known as Lady Di (Princess of the hearts) , celebrated their wedding evening in 1981 in the Amber Room in Great Britain ? Honestly spoken, the South Thuringian Jonas Valley Society for Amber Room Research does not know. But it might be. The overall story of the missing Amber Room proofed that everything is possible.

Photo : Wedding picture

But, let us take a view upon the families and how they are connected.

All three families, the Hohenzollern, the Romanows and the British Royal family are connected for many decades in different ways.

The House Hannover

The Hohenzollerns

The Romanows

The Saxe-Coburg-Windsor

Based of the different connections between the royal families there are several ways that might be interesting to think about in case of the missing Amber Room.

1) The Amber Room was given as a present from the Hohenzollern to the Romanows as ruling familiy in Russia to strenghten the alliance between the families and states. After the revolution in Russia family property was sized by communist party. The circumstances of World War II created the unique opportunity to regain control over the Amber Room for circles arround the Hohenzollern family.

2) Deeply connceted to parts of the Romanow dynasty the House of Saxe-Coburg-Windsor had the opportunity to regain control of the Amber Room which has been sized before by circles arround the Hohenzollern family.  

Following the Royal Conspiracy Theory the Amber Room was stolen bei circles arround the Hohenzollern family. After the defeat of Germany in World War II the Saxe-Coburg-Windsor circles used the unique opportunity to size this part of family property.

Protagonists of this direction are the famous historian and writer Kurt Hänsel from Erfurt as well as the engaged former East-German treasure hunter Dietmar Reimann.

3 Kommentare:

  1. hallo, also wenn der Manfred wirklich ein von Salza-L. war, dann schaut mal, wie das in die Gegenwart reinspielt. Dann ist klar wo das BZ oder seine Reste sind, nämlich unter der Burg Ho....Ich glaub es ja nicht. Da kommt der Conny niemals ran. Grüße

    1. We constantly fight against any kind of royal conspiracy. We are ready to leak the places where the treasures are hidden.

  2. Hallo,

    ist hier "Verschwörung" das richtige Wort? Alle mußten ums Überleben kämpfen und wenn ein Teil der Kronjuwelen entwendet werden, halte ich mich mit dem BZ schadlos.
